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Insights into the life of a woman who never stops reinventing herself and motivating others to do the same.

Cate in a comma interview about her personal "Little Moments".

Staying in tune with ourselves and our mental health is of paramount importance, especially in the current climate. Cate Underwood, who began her career as a photographer and is now a model, DJ and mother, knows this too. Born and raised in Ukraine, Cate is dedicated to helping the people of her home country and knows how important it is to focus on the little things in life, to draw strength from them and to feel good about yourself.

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How did Cate go from photographing to modeling?

Well, I used to be a professional tennis player. For seven years - I even played for a German club. But I grew up in Kiev, Ukraine, in the 90s, and I wanted to make my contribution to that era. That's how I discovered photography. It became my tool to explore and question modern ideas of perfection. I photographed people on the street and soon also fashion.

At one point, I made an appointment with an agent to discuss a shoot. He asked me what I was doing behind the camera when I belonged in front of it. Out of curiosity, I decided to give modeling a try. With all doors suddenly open to me, I decided to see where the experience would take me. Looking back, I was incredibly lucky to be able to go from photography to modeling and back again. I loved the idea of being on both sides of the lens. Modeling became another way for me to express myself.

I came to music just as spontaneously. It was actually a joke when friends asked me to play at their party. Soon I was on fire. I experimented with mixtapes, had live gigs, took lessons and got great reactions.

What role does creativity play in your life?

It's definitely a major role for me, my whole life revolves around creativity - it's my way of life. Today you can have so many interests at the same time, no one will say: "Wow, you're taking on too much." Instead, you'll hear: "Wow, you're a real multitasker." Crossing boundaries and being at home in different professions at the same time has always been completely normal for me. As fashion, art, music and culture mix, old rules break down. I can do everything I love at the same time. New horizons are opening up when it comes to expressing myself creatively.

Let's stay with the keyword freedom - what does the term mean to you?

Not to fall for any stigmas and not to let anyone put a label on us. Neither our career nor our marital status determine who we are. Freedom is about being yourself and remembering that at the end of the day, it's about the most basic things: being comfortable in your own skin, being creative, fulfilling your desires, loving and feeling loved.

What advice would you give young people?

Never stop believing in yourself. Self-confidence and believing in what you are doing are crucial for your own creativity. Also important: remember that the process is more important than the result. Life is a journey!

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